While many locals are considering getting the booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine ahead of the holidays, major vaccine clinic in Oakland closes
Oakland, CA – As we approach Christmas and New Year, many people are considering getting the booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine in an effort to prevent additional spread of the virus while many indoor family gatherings are expected in the upcoming.
That said, the interest for the vaccines seems to be increasing lately as people simply waited to get additional immunity boost in the winter months. With the Omicron variant in place, the interest in the vaccines has been increased even more.
While Oakland local residents have many options where they can get their vaccines, one of the major and most important vaccine clinics in the area permanently closed its doors.
The main vaccination clinic in Oakland that was once next to City Hall is now permanently closed. As of now, more than 800 shots were administrated in that clinic as the clinic was offering first, second and third dose of the vaccine. Reportedly, the vaccine clinic was run by third party group.
With rising demand for the vaccines lately, it remains unclear why the vaccine clinic had to close now as we approach the holiday season and even more people are expected to get their shot. In a press release, city officials said that the vaccine clinic closed due to staffing and vaccine shortages, but those with the clinic deny these claims.
City representatives then clarified what happened saying, the city asked the clinic to stay until the end of the month, with an option to stay into 2022, if demand was still high. Those from COVID Clinic say if an option to stay longer was set in place they wouldn’t have left, but did ink a deal at a site in Oakland’s Fruitvale District to offer coronavirus testing and vaccines well into 2022. Their staff has since been moved there.
It’s just one in a number of confusing situations involving COVID-19 vaccination locations.
It’s a shame that city leaders are not able to find solutions for such problems taking into consideration that the vaccination against Covid-19 seems to be country’s top priority for a year now and amid high vaccine demand currently with the Omicron variant in place.