Local News
New county Health Officer named by the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors
Contra Costa County, California – Dr. Ori Tzvieli has been named as the new Health Officer for Contra Costa County by the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors.
Dr. Chris Farnitano has served as a Health Officer for Contra Costa County, but due to his eventual retirement, he stepped down from the position, leaving it empty. Dr. Ori Tzvieli will take his place.
Karen Mitchoff, Chair of the Board of Supervisors, issued a statement, “Dr. Farnitano will be missed. We are glad Dr. Tzvieli is ready to step into a role that is so crucial for the health and safety of our county residents during the pandemic. Over the past two years, both of them have contributed to one of the finest local responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in California.”