Teacher taped 7YO boy’s mouth to keep him quiet and he was not the only one, principal says they enjoyed it
A furious mother reportedly pulled her son out of school after his teacher is said to have subjected him to utter humiliation in front of his classmates. The 7-year-old was forced to have his mouth taped shut because the teacher wouldn’t let him gossip in the class. And now for the little boy, even the thought of going to school now fills him with anxiety, and he’s so far missed two weeks’ worth of classes.
The embarrassed little boy did not tell his mother what happened that day in class. The parent had to find out from her daughter, who also attends the same school as her 7-year-old son. “One of the other girls came to her and said ‘Hey, your brother’s mouth was taped for talking too much in class,'” the mother shared. “He was a bit apprehensive of telling me because he thought he was in trouble.”
Her son was reportedly not the only one whose mouth was taped shut. An entire group of boys had their mouths taped with plastic labels by the teacher who wanted to keep them quiet. The school’s principal, Rob, wrote a letter to the mother, acknowledging the incident and claiming that the boys actually enjoyed having their mouth taped. “Even though you chose not to follow the school’s complaint process, this did not stop me from dealing with this concern as if you had,” wrote Rob in the letter.
“A careful and thorough investigation was finally able to be completed yesterday with the last of the parents of these children being interviewed. These things do take time, based on the availability of key people needing to be free to meet with us,” the principal wrote in the letter.
“All children involved and their parents, excluding [student], have now been interviewed appropriately by the school’s Social Worker who informs me that perspective that this was game that the children appeared to enjoy and wished to play with her was by all accounts the correct version of this event.”
After the issue was brought up, the principal also informed the mother that they could provide her son with counseling if he felt traumatized by the incident that took place. But the mother seemed more angry that the school didn’t apologize for taping her son’s mouth, especially since he has breathing problems and takes medicine for asthma every day.
She said, “I asked my 7-year-old what he thought about all this, and he said: ‘When we do something wrong in class, we have to say sorry and that we won’t do it again. Why can’t the teacher?’” Unhappy with the school’s slow response, the mother has been standing outside the school and handing out flyers to parents.