San Francisco
Overnight storm resulted in downed trees, power outage in East Bay
Berkeley, California – As a result of high winds that passed across the region overnight Saturday, several homes in the East Bay have been left without electricity and with fallen trees.
The large redwood tree that fell down in Berkeley was the focus of attention on Saturday among residents near Willard Park.
“It’s crazy it’s a big windstorm I guess. But it’s sad that it’s an old tree there is a big oak that’s down a block away that’s somebody’s front yard their house didn’t get hit but there are a lot of trees down,” Berkeley resident, Megan Keever, said.
Despite the fact that it was still windy at points throughout the day, it was not as intense as the gusts experienced overnight.
The concrete was lifted by a fallen tree near a driveway just around the corner. In other sections of the city, trees and branches were downed, and electricity was knocked out.
In order to restore power to thousands of customers, PG&E staff worked overtime with additional personnel.
“We lost power briefly. It came back on but the rest of our block is out still today,” said Keever.
According to a representative for the Berkeley Fire Department, they responded to more than 50 demands for service overnight, most of which were connected to downed trees and power lines. Trees were also knocked down in the Oakland Hills and other sections of the city during the storm.
A couple in Oakland discovered a tree had fallen on the wife’s vehicle after waking up.
“My wife and I were fast asleep and didn’t hear anything hear anything at all when we got up in the morning we found that distressing sight couldn’t believe it,” said Oakland resident Norman MacLeod.