Local News
Concord City Council seeks qualified individuals for Board of Appeals
Concord, California – In the latest gathering of the Concord City Council held on May 23, 2023, an announcement was made regarding an upcoming recruitment initiative for the Board of Appeals. The objective of this recruitment is to fill five primary positions and two alternate ones, each having a tenure of four years that will culminate on February 28, 2027. The council has determined Friday, June 23, 2023, at 5 p.m. as the final date for the submission of applications to the City Clerk.
Comprising five members and two alternates, the Board of Appeals holds four-year terms. Its formation is mandated by State law, and its members convene as required to elucidate State law and the California Building Standards Code in the context of construction standards applicable within the city limits. The board is responsible for assessing the appropriateness of alternate materials and methods of construction. It also reviews appeals pertaining to orders, decisions, and determinations executed by the City’s Chief Building Official. It should be noted that the decisions of the board are final and cannot be challenged before the City Council.
Membership of the Board of Appeals is comprised of individuals possessing appropriate experience and training to evaluate matters connected to the City of Concord Construction Code. Importantly, these individuals are not employees of the City. To be eligible for appointment, candidates should possess specific knowledge in the City of Concord Construction Code and its applicable local ordinances. It is not mandatory for the appointees to be residents of the City of Concord.
As per the City’s Conflict of Interest Code, board members are required to disclose any interest in investments, real property, and income sourced within the City of Concord or derived from entities conducting business within the city. These disclosures are mandatory within 30 days of assuming office and should be updated annually. Meetings of the board are convened on an as-needed basis rather than following a fixed schedule.
Information about the Board of Appeals is on the City’s website: https://cityofconcord.org/768/Boardof-Appeals and application forms are available at https://www.cityofconcord.org/264/Applications-forBoards-Committees-Commi.